Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finals and Packing Dilemmas...

Well, since I last updated you I had my sculpture final.  Which was no biggie b/c "we don't have time for that test crap". We just worked to finish everything up.  I finished my piece.  Its now sitting upstairs near my bed.  I'm proud of it.  Its definitely not anything amazing though.  And I can't even imagine the time, patience, and work that would go into doing a LARGE marble sculpture.  I have a whole new appreciation now thats for sure.
I also had my italian final, which I did survive although I was nervous about it.  I find out tomorrow what I made on it and in the class.  Pray for a C.
Today I had my World of Museums final, which was harder than I thought it would be but still pretty easy.  I'm sure I got an A in the class, or atleast thats what I'm hoping for.  Today I also started to think about packing.  And had a little bit of a dilemma with the artwork.  It was going to cost me about 168 euros to ship my five paintings home.  No do-able. Period. So, I decided to take 3 off the frames and tube them (tube 6 euros).  Then pack the two-panel painting b/c I didn't want to un-stretch them and I figure I could just pack them and the tube in my suitcase.  Great idea. 
Except that they will NOT fit into my suitcase.  Which sucks.  So, now I have to rethink everything.  I think I'm going to go to the train station or market to see if I can haggle for a large suitcase. I will NOT pay over 60 euros for a suitcase because I simply don't have the money.  If that doesn't work I'll have to resort to shipping the package home and praying the airlines will let me take the tube on the plane.  Nothing is simple.  I worked my ass off all semester, and this is the drama that is sending artwork home.  I got sooo frustrated today.  I am so thankful for my roommate Megan to be an optimistic and help me figure it all out.  I love that girl and am so happy we got placed together as roommates.  Tomorrow I will update you on how the problem-solving goes.  I also have my last final tomorrow morning.  Last final of my Italian semester, last final of my junior year.  I'm going to lose my mind.

3 days counting.


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